R/qtl tutorial for QTL-MAS Workshop


I will offer a short tutorial on R/qtl at the QTL-MAS Workshop in Poznań, Poland

Because of the large forum and the short amount of time for the tutorial, I think it'd be best to just do this as a "demonstration". I'll have to move through things quickly; I'll cover highlights from the PDF file below.

Nevertheless, if you are interested in following along on your own laptop, you should download and install R and R/qtl, and the additional files (below), in advance. You may also wish to print out the PDF of the tutorial.

Installing R


Download and run the installer for R version 2.11.0: R-2.11.0-win32.exe

Mac OS X

Download and run the installer for R version 2.11.0: R-2.11.0.pkg

Installing R/qtl

Install R as above, then start R and from the R command prompt type install.packages("qtl")

You will need internet access.

Download files for the tutorial

Download the following additional files, and place them somewhere that you can get to them:

 rqtltour2.pdf The text of the tutorial (you might want to print this out)
rqtltour2.R The R code for the tutorial
sug.csv The data we'll consider (from Sugiyama et al., Physiol Genomics 10:5-12, 2002)
various.RData Results of some intermediate calculations, which will save us time